This Sunday we will be addressed by some missionaries from Latin Link and we will also be acknowledging World Aids Day by giving ribbons to everyone as the enter the church. Aids is the comtempory equivalent of Leprosy in Biblical times and we want to express our concern but also our prayer support for all those who are suffering. We cannot afford the luxury of standing back in moral indignation. The Bible tells us that "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the kingdom of God"
At the same time we join with other members of the community in saying no to the drug dealers and pushers who are making a fortune at the expense of so many of our young people. The Shankill Mirror has begun a campaign to rid the community of these drugs and yet we are also aware that Jesus died for the pushers as well as the victims as he died for the para militaries and all the world. We need to pray for the renewal of the church that men may see that Christ truly is the answer. |
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